Field in Xylofagou, Larnaca

€ 41,000


  • Property ID
  • 378252
  • 5,402 m2


Livestock field in Xylofagou community of Larnaca district. It is situated at a distance approximately 2.6 km northeast of the community center and approximately 1km northwest of Xylofagou Gymnasium School.

It has a rectangular shape with an even surface and it abuts onto a register road along its southern boundary with frontage of approximately 36 meters.

The property falls within the Livestock Zone Γγ1, having a building density of 30%.

It is noted that the property falls within the consolidation area.

Property Id : 378252
Price: € 41,000
Property Plot Size: 5,402 m2
Building Factor: 30%
Coverage Factor: 30%


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